Willem Middelkoop on the silver market and the recent unrest
Update: 10 February 2021 Reading time: 5 min

In her latest episode of "Madelon Praat", Madelon Vos interviews Willem Middelkoop. Middelkoop is a publicist, photographer, entrepreneur, and former stock market commentator. Having written for years about manipulation in the silver and gold markets, he shares insights with Madelon on the turbulent silver market.
Increase in Silver Prices
Recently, a significant surge in silver prices was observed. This spike was triggered by a Reddit post urging people to buy silver en masse. The aim was to disrupt large speculators and hedge funds, as the rising silver prices would cause them considerable financial losses. Investors with short positions were forced to close them, leading to further losses.Willem Middelkoop expressed his astonishment over the events. “Since 2001, I’ve been writing about how gold and silver markets are manipulated. Professional parties continuously sell paper gold and silver they don’t actually own. When the price rises, they sell even more and go further into short positions. When a price drop begins, they close their short positions,” he explains.
Silver Squeeze
Willem provides a clear explanation of what has happened in the silver market and why. Due to global interest and demand for silver among investors, Willem believes the chances of a real Silver Squeeze have never been higher. This has occurred twice before. For instance, in the 1980s, a Silver Short Squeeze ended when the “rules of the game” were changed. Another dramatic rise in silver prices took place in 2011.According to Willem, 2021 could mark the third major squeeze, with silver prices potentially rising to $100 per ounce or even higher. He also notes that a surge in the silver market could have significant consequences, possibly spilling over into the gold market.
The video offers a wealth of examples, making it both clear and highly engaging. Madelon asks sharp questions, and Willem provides detailed explanations. This episode is exceptionally informative, giving viewers insight into recent events and what might happen next.
Investing in Silver
Willem also shares that silver has long been a highly attractive investment option for him.“I’ve personally bought much more physical silver than physical gold in my life,” Willem Middelkoop says, adding, “You’d be crazy not to buy at least a little silver.” Willem’s enthusiasm for silver is evident, and he strongly advises having some in your portfolio.
At The Silver Mountain, you can purchase silver bars and silver coins at the best prices in the Netherlands. The bars and coins we sell are of outstanding quality, and we guarantee to buy them back from you at any time, should you wish. With this buyback guarantee, you can be sure to sell your silver at a market-competitive price. On our website, you’ll find plenty of information about silver to help you make the choice that suits you best.
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