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The origins of banks and fiat money

Autor: Rolf van Zanten Date: 27 February 2025 Update: 27 February 2025 Reading time: 4 min

The first form of banknotes, the so-called bills of exchange, emerged as a solution for risky gold transports. Merchants transporting large quantities of gold were at high risk of being robbed, because transporting physical precious metals was not only heavy, but also dangerous.
Bills of exchange were documents that entitled the holder to a specific amount of gold, which was kept safe at the bank. These bills of exchange were in the name of the holder and were much easier and safer to transport than gold itself.
The system of bills of exchange was based entirely on trust. The holder of a bill of exchange had to be able to trust that the banker would be able to keep his promise and actually keep the specified amount of gold available.
As banks became more trustworthy and their reputation grew, the physical withdrawal and trading of gold, as is done today at The Silver Mountain, became less common. People began to trade bills themselves, which led to the creation of the first forms of paper money.

The development of fiat money

With the increase in confidence in banks came the ability for banks to issue more bills of exchange than the actual amount of gold they held. This system, where more money was lent than the gold in the vault, worked well because only a small portion of the customers were calling for gold at any one time. This created value that banks essentially created "out of thin air."
It is estimated that at times up to ten times the amount of gold actually on hand was lent out, creating a form of fiat money: money based on trust.

The role of central banks in the economy

Central banks quickly took on a central role in regulating the economy by managing the money supply. By increasing or decreasing the amount of money in circulation, central banks steer the economy. When there is little money in circulation, the economy can stagnate, while an abundance of money can lead to inflation.
Fiduciary money allowed central banks to respond flexibly to economic needs, striking a balance between growth and stability. However, the value of fiat money depends entirely on the trust people place in it, making the influence of central banks all the more important.

Fiat money: from gold standard to unlimited money printing

Fiat money eventually evolved into fiat money, where the value is no longer backed by gold reserves. In the United States, the dollar was linked to the gold standard until 1971, meaning that each dollar represented a certain weight in gold.
In 1971, however, President Richard Nixon decided to abolish the gold standard, which paved the way for unlimited dollar issuance. By abandoning the gold standard, the government was able to print money that was no longer backed by gold. This led to a period of economic turmoil and inflation, as the United States' gold reserves rapidly diminished.
This system of fiat money is now the global standard, with new banknotes and coins being created regularly in both Europe and America to support the economy. Although physical money printing is becoming less common, this process is now mainly digital. Loans are created to finance existing debts, which keeps the financial system going.

The modern impact of fiat money

Fiduciary money has a major influence on the global economy today. By creating unlimited money, central banks can respond quickly to economic crises. This allows them to provide growth incentives when needed.
At the same time, this system carries risks, such as the possibility of hyperinflation or a debt crisis. Because there is no physical value behind fiat money, people's trust in their currency is crucial to the stability of the system.
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