Guarantees and conditions
Order process and order status
Payment process and payment methods
Delivery and pick-up
Contact and business information
Order status
You can track the status of your order in your account, where the current status of each order is displayed.
Your order has not been paid yet. We are waiting for your payment to proceed with processing.
Your order has been paid, but not all products are in stock. Please check your order confirmation for the estimated delivery time.
Ready to export
Your order has been paid, is in stock, and will be shipped or collected soon.
The order has been completed.
Your order has been cancelled.
Stock status
The current stock status of each product is displayed on the product page. If products are in stock, the available quantity is indicated. If a product is out of stock, you will see the expected delivery time.
Partial deliveries are not possible
Your order will be shipped in full once all products are available.