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Gold Tenners

Buy gold ten guilder coins

We offer Golden Ten Guilder coins, which are considered some of the best gold coins originating from the Netherlands. Each Golden Ten Guilder consists of 6.048 grams fine gold. We provide Ten Guilder pieces from various years of date.

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Gouden Tientje Circulated conditie front
Gouden Tientje Circulated conditie front
506,00 In stock
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Gold ten guilder coins
Gold ten guilder coins front
511,00 506,50 In stock
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Various golden ten euro coins front
Various golden ten euro coins front
516,00 In stock

Golden tenner

Buy your gold tenner at The Silver Mountain and benefit from our advantages. Our prices are based on the current gold price so you pay the fairest price. Your order will be shipped fully insured or you can pick it up at our office in Baarn or The Hague.
Gold tens are popular coins among investors in gold. These coins are very interesting for investors with both large and small budgets. Since we only buy the gold tenner from individuals, we offer them at a competitive price.

Buy gold Tenners
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Value Golden tenner

When the gold tenner was put into circulation, the Netherlands had the gold standard. This meant that the value of money in circulation was equal to the value of gold held by the government. At the time, a gold tenner was equivalent to ten gulden. After the gold standard was abolished in 1971, the gold tens became increasingly valuable, due to the gold they were made of.
If you are curious about the current value of a gold tenner, you can easily calculate it. You calculate the current value by doing the gold price x the amount of fine gold. A gold tenner weighs 6.72 grams and contains 6.05 grams of gold. In this example, the gold price is €50 per gram of gold. The calculation then goes as follows: 6.05 x €50 = €302,50. Nevertheless, gold tens may be worth more than just the gold price, this may depend on the following factors:

  • Quality of the coin
  • Current gold price
  • Year of the coin
  • Number of minted coins

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Design golden tenner

There are several designs of the golden tenner. For instance, there are old and new golden tenches, with different themes emerging. For instance, there is the "wedding ten", "golden tulip ten" or the "Max Havelaar ten". The gold themed tens are often minted in Proof quality, making them interesting for investors and collectors alike. The reverse of the coins feature a portrait of King William I, II, IIII or Wilhelmina.

The first golden tenner

The first gold tens were minted in 1808 and 1810, during the time of Louis Napoleon. The coins weighed 6.825 grams and consisted of 91.7% gold.

Golden tenner
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Golden tenner of King William I, II and III

During the time of William I (1813-1840), the gold tenner received the design still used today. The Willem I gold tenches from 1818 to 1820, 1822 to 1833, 1837,1839 and 1840 were minted in Brussels and Utrecht.
The Willem II golden tenches are very rare, as this coin was only minted in 1842. Consequently, only 860 pieces exist worldwide. How many are actually in circulation nobody knows.
In the period from 1875 and 1889, King Willem III's golden tenches were minted. The coin has a face value of 10 guilders and features 21.6 carats of gold (.900). These coins are slightly less 'special', as the editions start from tens of thousands to several millions. The weight of the gold tenner has also been reduced from 6.729 grams to 6.72 grams since 1875. However, this makes little difference, as the gold tens vary in weight between 6.69 and 6.73 grams.

Golden tenner Wilhelmina

The gold Wilhelmina tenge was minted from 1892 to 1933 in four different designs.

Gold Tenner Wilhelmina

  • 1892 - 1897: These coins depict Wilhelmina as a little girl.
  • 1898: In this year, Wilhelmina turned 18 and was considered crown heir. To "celebrate" this, the design of the gold tenner was changed. In which Wilhelmina was depicted wearing a crown called a tiara. Due to the low print run of only 99,239 pieces, this golden tenner is more expensive than the later golden tens that were released.
  • 1911 to 1917: This gold tenner depicts Wilhelmina with a beautiful ermine torture. A total of 8.9 million copies of this tenner were minted.
  • 1925 - 1933: This is the last series of golden tenches, depicting Wilhelmina as an elderly woman with her crown. A total of 12 million of these tens were minted.

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Weight of the Dutch gold tenner

The gold tenner has a weight of 6.72 grams and is struck in 90% pure gold (21.6 carats). This brings the weight in pure gold in the coin to 6.048 grams, also known as the net weight of the coin.
The gold tenner has a diameter of 22.50 mm and is 1.31 mm thick. These are important measurements, as we always check for these when buying in, to intercept fake gold tennies.

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Frequently asked questions about gold ten guilder coins

How much does a gold tenner weigh?

A gold tenner weighs 6.72 grams. This includes the small amount of copper incorporated into the alloy to give the coin strength. The pure gold in a gold tenner weighs 6.048 grams. This corresponds to 90% pure gold.

Are gold tenners rare?

It is estimated that about 40 million gold tenners were put into circulation in the past. Partly due to the high price of gold, some of this will have been melted down, a large part is still traded for its gold value.


Gold tenners are not as rare as, say, gold ducats. This is because more gold tenners have been minted over time. However, rare gold tenners can still be found, especially the coins from the early years and commemorative coins.

What is the difference between a gold tenner and a gold ducat?

Both the gold tenner and gold ducat are popular gold investment coins from the Netherlands and are known for their rich history. Both coins are struck in 90% pure gold and have approximately the same diameter. Interestingly, a gold tenner (6.72 grams) is almost 2x as heavy as a gold ducat (3.49 grams). This makes the gold tenner worth more than the gold ducat if you look purely at the gold value.


Whereas the gold tenner is now no longer minted, the Dutch Mint still issues a new gold ducat and gold double ducat every year with a limited edition. These gold ducats are minted in honor of rich trading history of the Netherlands. 

Can I order a gold tenner from a specific year?

No. At The Silver Mountain, you cannot choose a gold tenner from a specific year. We supply gold tenners from a variety of years at the same price. In our warehouse, it is not possible to distinguish between different vintages when delivering our gold tenners. 

Why aren't gold tenners always in stock?

Since gold tenners are no longer minted and were all put into circulation in the past, we only purchase our gold tenners from private individuals. The advantage of these pre-owned gold tenners is that we can offer them at a competitive price. However, this can also mean that sometimes we don't have any gold tennies in stock. This is because we depend on the number of gold tenners that individuals offer to us through our purchasing website Inkoop Edelmetaal. 

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One of our experts is ready to assist you over the phone. You can reach us on weekdays between 09:00 and 17:00.